Tuesday, May 15, 2007

10 Sealed Jars of Dandelion...Jelly?

Woo-hoo! I never realized what an awesome noise the wet pop of jars sealing can be! All my 10 sealed (dumb luck is a great thing to occasionally have) and now it's just a matter of the "will they, won't they" set up to the thickness of jelly.

Gosh, I hope they do... I have no idea what else I could possibly do with a somewhat sweet, thick and sunshiny liquid...Is there a use for Dandelion Sauce? Hmm. Let's hope I don't need to find out.

We frantically planted the last of our bigger "plants" (replacing tomatoes that died with Monday's frost). 2 blueberries, 10 tomatoes (heirloom-types), sage, sweet basil, marjoram (one of my favorite flavors), dill, lavender... I can't remeber the rest.

I feel like we're so late with our planting, but I think that's one of the things that divides some American lifestyles. If you are a real teacher or a (non-farm) small business owner, getting anything in the ground in a timely manner is nothing short of a miracle.

I'm trying to be more grateful for everything I CAN get done... But there's so much I'm still desperate to accomplish.

We got more bad news about one of our lambs, seems she's acting lame. Southwind Farm's manager, Laura (she's great), says she thinks the lamb may have just knocked her leg against the barn coming inside--doesn't seem broken, doesn't act like foot rot. Whew!

We're going to try and add one last lamb to our flock, having spoken to the in-laws. I need to email Laura (yet again) and make the arrangements. I think I'll also ask what stud fees are if we find one of our related ewes shows more promise than a non-related. Maintaining one ram's enough for us, but it quickly limits our genetic line. I want options. Laura's very helpful, I'm sure she'll let me know what local options exist.

Thanks to the hubby for adding the hopping lamb. Now I just need one that looks Jacob-y...

Have a great night!


Candy Duell said...

I have tried dandelion jelly one time in my life, and loved it. I have been watching the dandelion coming up, and have thought about making some. I guess I should get busy if I am going to. Good luck with yours!

Doreen Frost said...

Hello Shannon. Love the blog. You know...i see all those dandelions out on our lawn..and it never once occurred to me...to make something with them....would you have any recipes you would like to share?


Shannon said...

Hi Candy and Doreen!

My Dandelion Jelly jars all did seal--but my jeely didn't set up right. Puzzled, my hubby called my mother-in-law and she gave me a tip I'm going to try today. If it works, I'll post the recipe I used. If not, there are other recipes on an earlier post that I linked to.

Hope you all are having fun!