Thursday, May 10, 2007

Baking Bread and Eating Dandelions

Ok, so several months ago we bought a Sunbeam breadmachine at Walmart to replace the one we had in Florida (whose parts didn't all show up when we moved north). It's really great--although you have to download the actual recipe booklet and manual or risk the results of some significant typos.

We sort of binged on bread for a while--experimenting with most of their suggested recipes. Then I got bored. The machine sat on the counter collecting dust.

That is, until I realized I could make it do my bread dough--and that it's actually quite competent at it. So, this week I did rolls and knots, and rolls filled with dried apple and iced with a cinnamon buttercream. Making bread (or doing pottery) is especially grounding to me. I have no wheel or kiln, so I guess I'll keep baking.

Sent some rolls home with the landlord (and some dandelion fritters) along with a half-dozen eggs. The meeting with the eldershire guy seemed to go well, even though it poured rain the whole time.

Tomorrow we'll pick dandelion greens and try another "dandy" recipe. I come from a background where every Spring there was the annual ham and dandelion dinner--in which we never participated. I guess times change. I'm trying to embrace the earth and her bounty and make the most of everything we have...

Take care!

Just heard on the news that a small group of men (20-somethings) tried to kidnap a woman off the street in the nearest real town. We JUST had a home invasion problem in the same town and before that we were hit by floods and Ralph Bucky, Jr's illegal journey back and forth across the state. There are many reasons why good people move out to the country, but do the nut-jobs have to move out here, too?

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