Thursday, May 10, 2007

Fences and Subdivision

So, as I'm m/baking my hubby granola cereal last night, the discussion returned to fencing for the Jacobs.

We've looked at a few options--I really want to do rotational grazing (a small fenced plot that you move before grazing gets too worn down) with them because it seems to be better for everybody and everything. And although we might get away with something with less electrical output for just the sheep (did you know they have solar electrical chargers for fences now?) we do have coyotes around. LOTS of coyotes around.

So we want a good shocker, but cost is important. While the Jacobs are small they don't defend themselves as well, but once our boy gets his horns he should be a decent protector. The gals should be able to help with protecting themselves (and each other), too. Two of the three gals will get 4 horns. The other girl (and our boy) will only have 2. Aren't genetics wild? So no real decisions were made about the fencing. We just know what we want and need--getting the money to match it will be another matter.

Today I'll be cleaning up around here because the landlord (aka brother-in-law) is showing up with a guy who has done subdivision for a few "eldershires." The B-i-L wants the property subdivided so he and his wife and newly born daughter can build, and his parents can also build. The S-i-L's parents already rejected the idea (although NY land was bought specifically to please them) and the S-i-L would be pleased as punch to remain utterly suburban.

So far we're the only ones here--renting a 2 BR, 1 Ba; setting up gardens and farming experiments; and hunting (took a deer last year on the last day of the season--just as dusk was falling).

So--busy, busy, busy--and this all has NOTHING to do with my other obligations...


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