Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Welcome to 99 Acres of Rock on a Hill!

Follow the journey (more a journey of the spirit and lifelong education than a physical journey now) of a family living in an economically depressed region of rural New York state as we strive to live off the land and become more ecologically aware and responsible.

Our (local) family consists of one child, a Mom, a Dad and a rescued dog. Our neighbors are great (all farmers or teachers) and the landscape is beautiful (even if the soil is poor and we grow more shale and milkweed than anything else).

We've got nearly 100 apple trees (the first one just started to bloom today), a few seasonal streams and two tiny ponds. We have a struggling strawberry patch (can you imagine?), a small backyard garden of mainly onions and shallots and an assortment of container plants (tomatoes and peppers, etc.).

In the big open-type coop there are 8 laying Barred Rock hens (with 25 more mixed birds on the way--we'll "chicken-tractor" them). We just put 3 Jacob ewe lambs and one RR Jacob ram lamb on "hold" from Southwind Farms and got a shipment of two varieties of mushroom to grow in the basement before setting them outside in the forest.

We have a lot to do in the near future to get ready for all the arriving animals--and there's still a ton of planting to be done!

Keep stopping in to see how folks from PA and NJ (by way of FL) make it living on a soon-to-be shared homestead.

Have a great night!

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