Thursday, May 24, 2007

Loading and Unloading Sheep

So, we borrowed Annaliese and Will's horse trailer to get the lambs yesterday. They were all in one end of the Southwind Farm Dairy barn, so loading up was pretty convenient. Realizing that and that we had Kendra (professional sheep catcher ;-) to help load up, and we had a much less worrisome time of catching and loading.

Karl even looked at Kendra(she's probably 16 or 17 years old) at one point and said, "So where does sheep wrestling go on a resume?" She smiled and shortly thereafter outdid herself by grabbing two of sheep at the same time.

I did carry one out myself (so proud), but Kendra caught it for me, so I'll have some work to do. It was one of the few times I really felt "too slow." That sucks, especially when there's a kid in the age range I used to teach watching.

We tipped the folks who helped (how much does one tip a sheep catcher?--we tipped like they were luggage handlers at the airport) and then slowly (because that's all our X-terra can do hooked to a horse trailer) drove back home.

Amidst noises that made one think the sheep had the better of Karl he grabbed and hoisted each one, carrying them to the pasture. I kept my son out of the way and worried over one plant I couldn't positively identify. I pulled a bunch of it (just in case) and gave a sample to Karl to compare to images on Google's image search.

He said, "Maybe it is lupine."

I freaked. Previously he had said he didn't think so, and now... I started plucking and tossing more of it as the sheep started to graze.

Our neighbors (Annaliese and Will) came up the driveway with their children in strollers. I stopped pulling up stuff to chat, then mentioned my concern.

"Really? Lupine?" Annaliese asked. "I've never seen lupines growing out here."

I pulled a stalk/stem and showed it to her. "No, those aren't lupine. I don't know what they are, but they aren't lupine." She then suggested I ask the guy who does a lot of haying locally. "He'll know," she assured.

We stood and chatted a while, my son playing with her daughter. He gave her a flower. I was proud. Then they were racing around and he put his hand out to grab at her back (he steers our dog that way, sometimes) and they both fell down. She got that look of utter betrayal on her little face and he didn't want to apologize (but he did, after a discussion with me).

The neighbors left and we finally got dinner.


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