Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Sheep and Insanity

Today's the day! Today, at about 5pm we're traveling a back-country road (aren't they all around here?) for about 2 miles to get to the wonderful Southwind Farm (they are truly tremendous) and pick up our 7--yep, count 'em--7 Jacob lambs.

The picture above is of our eventual flock sire. Right now he's called "Poppyseed," but we get to change the name before he's officially registered.

Jacobs are an "unimproved breed" or "primitive" breed. They are polycerates (sheep with multiple horns). Our boy will have only 2 horns, but some of our girls will have 4. They aren't doublecoated (unlike other primitives--Navajo-Churros, Icelandics) but they are good foragers and easy lambers. Their fleece is generally desireable to handspinners because of its handle and staple length. We believe all of our Jacobs will be eligible for registration with the JSBA, and our boy's an RR genotype which means he's Scrapie-resistant (and that his offspring will probably be, too).

Well, I have a lot to do, so--

Have a great day!

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